Councils and Committees

In an effort to increase college communication and engagement among its employees, Northeast Lakeview College has several councils and committees each with its own charge and goal.

College-Wide Councils/Committees

Adjunct Faculty Council


Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal:

Membership Roles & Terms: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer

Executive Liaison: Dr. Veronica Garcia

Contact: President, Susan Cotellesse,
Vice President, Helen Terry,
Secretary/Treasurer, Vacant

Employee Development Planning Committee

Charge/Goal: Works with the NLC President and Vice Presidents in the identification and development of professional development (PD) priorities and activities that advance NLC’s Mission, Institutional Goals, and Strategic Plan. The overall PD Committee (led by one PD co-Chair) investigates and plans on-campus PD opportunities for faculty, staff, and specialized populations.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 2

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Veronica Garcia, President

Chair: Kathleen Labus, College Director of Marketing and Strategic Communications,  210-486-5470,
Co-chair: Brandon Gillespie, 210-486-5295,

Wellness Sub-Committee to Employee Development Planning Committee

Charge/Goal: Acts as a forum for designing and recommending information and activities that contribute to the health and welfare of NLC employees. The Wellness Committee promotes wellness on campus by hosting wellness-related events for faculty and staff.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 2

Executive Liaison: Dr. Veronica Garcia, President

Contact:    Chair: Vacant

Faculty Senate

Charge/Goal: The mission of the faculty of Northeast Lakeview College is to facilitate student learning and student success. The Faculty Senate was founded as a means to examine issues of concern to the faculty, the institution, and the teaching and learning process. The Senate, also, promotes and maintains the mission and values of the college as they pertain to institutional development and professional faculty interests.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goals: 1, 2

Caroline Davis, President, 210-486-5287,

Vacant, Vice President

Dania Rossi, Secretary, 210-486-5294,

Judah Leggett, Ex Officio, 210-486-5233,

History and Heritage Committee

Charge/Goal: Recommends and participates in college activities related to the celebration of significant historical and cultural events that reflect our college community’s diversity.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1, 2, 3

Executive Liaison: Dr. Laura Boyer, Vice President for Academic Success 

Co-Chair: Javier Leal, 210-486-5628,
Co-Chair: Judah Leggett, 210-486-5233,

JECA Cabinet


Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Laura Boyer, Vice President for Academic Success

Anetia Ports, JECA Cabinet Chair, 210-486-5272,

Staff Senate


Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal:

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Veronica Garcia, President 

Rebecca Alejos-Sharadin, President, 210-486-5172,

Peggy Chavez, Co-Vice President, 210-486-5143,

Ronnie Sauceda-Russell, Co-Vice President, 210-486-5241,

Cameron Bowren, Secretary, 210-486-5114,

Azucena Rodriguez-Guerra, Treasurer, 210-486-5489,

Dawn Thompson, Historian, 210-486-5358,

Amber De La Garza, Employee of the Month Committee Chair, 210-486-5830,              

Strategic Leadership Council

Charge/Goal:  COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE, CONNECT!  To work toward maintaining a culture of collegiality, open communication, and professional excellence.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1, 2, 3

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Veronica Garcia, President

Sylvia Davis, Executive Assistant to the President, Office of the President, 210-486-5230,

Strategic Planning Council

Charge/Goal: To provide representative leadership in the updating and assessment of the NLC Strategic Plan.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 123

Executive Liaison:  
Dr. Veronica Garcia, President

Dr. Laura Boyer, 210-486-5428,

Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee

Sub-Committee to Strategic Planning Council

Charge/Goal: The Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) Program and Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (Assessment Committee) are committed to building and maintaining a culture of learning in which students, faculty, and staff share a common understanding of the meaning, purpose, and utility of assessment. The Assessment Committee characterizes this process as using student data to improve learning through a continuous cycle of gathering, analyzing, and applying this information to improve student learning. The committee is charged with defining the assessment process at NLC, ensuring that appropriate assessment procedures and practices are followed, and providing a forum for dialogue regarding assessment issues to support the college community.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goals: 1, 2

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Laura Boyer, Vice President for Academic Success

Dr. Robert Yowell, Coordinator of Academic Assessment, (210) 486-5218,

Program Review and Continuous Improvement

Sub-Committee to Strategic Planning Council

Charge/Goal: Exists to ensure that the established calendar and reporting requirements for the periodic review and evaluation of NLC programs and services reflect the Mission, Institutional Goals, and Strategic Plan of the college, and serve as a resource for those areas undergoing the review process. NLC’s Program Review and Continuous Improvement Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of administrators, faculty, and staff leaders who convene to assess five-year trends in academic and non-academic units across the college. The committee representatives ensure completion of the Instructional and Non-Instructional Unit Review template for their own respective units during the Fall and early Spring semesters. During the late spring semester, the committee members review the Instructional and Non-Instructional Unit Review packets submitted by other units.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goals: 123

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Laura Boyer, Vice President of Academic Success

Dr. Laura Boyer, VPAS, 210-486-5425,

Divisional Councils/Committees

Academic Success

Academic Leadership Council

Charge/Goal: The Academic Leadership Council is a standing council of senior academic leaders and functions primarily to help determine strategic direction and logistical efficiency for academic success and to facilitate communication on these issues among the faculty and with the administration. As a council, it services both an advisory and joint decision-making role. Generally, its actions are carried out through its members in their roles as Divisions Chairs or other positions, or through recommendations made to other entities.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Laura Boyer, Vice President for Academic Success

Chair, Dr. Laura Boyer, 210-486-5291,

Academic Integrity Committee

Charge/Goal: Sits as a hearing board and makes recommendations for the resolution of student cases related to academic improprieties.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Will Fanning, Dean for Academic Success

Chair: Dr. Karla Kosub-Coronado, 210-486-5332,

Academic Support Advisory Council

Charge/Goal: The Northeast Lakeview College Academic Support Advisory Council functions as an advisor to the Dean of Learning Resources regarding support and services of information literacy and student research, collection and resources development, all library services and programs, support and development of faculty in using instructional technology through the programs and services of the Instructional Innovation Center, and the programs and services of the Academic Tutoring and Testing Centers. Advisory Council members function as liaisons from their respective areas to the Division of Learning Resources and from the division back to their respective areas. The structure of this committee is representation from all academic divisions, student support, and college services, and is chaired by the Dean of Learning Resources. This Advisory Council works closely with the Distance Learning Advisory Committee in providing robust divisional support.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Laura Boyer, Vice President for Academic Success

Chair: Vacant, Dean for Academic Success, 210-486-5804,

Academic Standards and Curriculum Committee

Charge/Goal: Facilitate and process proposed changes in academic regulations related to the earning of credit and degrees at NLC, facilitate and process proposed curriculum changes for NLC, support discipline leads in the alignment of SLOs for all core courses with District and THECB, and continued support with curriculum efforts.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Laura Boyer, Vice President for Academic Success

Chair: Dr. Jeff Hassmann, 210-486-5203,
Co-Chair: Vacant

Distance Learning Advisory Council

Charge/Goal: The Northeast Lakeview College Distance Learning Support Advisory Council functions as an advisor to the Dean for Academic Success regarding support for students, staff, and faculty in Distance Learning courses and programs.  This advisory represents the interests of faculty and students in distance learning. Advisory Council members help in the establishment of programs and standards for the distance learning program. Advisory Council members function as liaisons from their respective areas to the Division of Learning Resources and from the division back to their respective areas. The structure of this committee has representation from all academic divisions*, student support, and college services, and is chaired by the Dean for Academic Success. This Advisory Council works closely with the Academic Support Advisory Committee in providing robust divisional support.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 123

Executive Liaison:
Dean for Academic Success

Chair:  Vacant

Honors Advisory Committee

Charge/Goal: Works with the Director of Honors (TBA) in the development and operation of a vibrant and meaningful Honors program.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Tammy Perez, Dean for Academic Success

Co-Chairs: Dr. Robert Yowell and Mohsen Omar

International Education Committee

Charge/Goal: Works with the District Director of International Education Programs to advocate international education opportunities for NLC students, faculty, and staff.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Tammy Perez, Dean for Academic Success

Chair: Ofelia Garcia

Learning Communities Advisory Committee

Charge/Goal: Ensures the development, coordination, and assessment of NLC Learning Communities.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Will Fanning, Dean for Academic Success

Chair: Sara Etchison, 210-486-5326,

Service Learning Advisory Committee

Charge/Goal: To grow the number of instructors that offer Service Learning opportunities as a component of their courses. Funded: 115001-852007-4010

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:  
Will Fanning, Dean for Academic Success

Chair: Vacant

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Committee

Charge/Goal: Provides a forum by which learning-based technology issues and opportunities are discussed, presented, tested, and recommended.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dean for Academic Success

Co-chair: Vacant

Student Success

DSS Advisory Council

Charge/Goal: To ensure that all areas/departments have awareness of Disability Support Services and the basic procedures and to ensure equal access to all students who are eligible for Disability Services.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Tangila Dove, Vice President for Student Success

Faye Hallford, LCSW, Professional Counselor, 210-486-5487,

SOBI Committee

Charge/Goal: Serves as a multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to provide consultation, education, and support to faculty and staff in assisting students who display disconcerting or disruptive behavior; provide appropriate intervention strategies; connects students with needed campus and community resources; and monitors ongoing behavior.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Tangila Dove, Vice President for Student Success

Chair, Tracy Floyd, 210-486-5610,

Disciplinary Hearing Committee

Charge/Goal: Sits as a hearing board and makes recommendations for the resolution of issues related to student discipline cases. Members shall serve two years and receive due process training.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Tangila Dove, Vice President for Student Success

Vice President for Student Success

Student Services Fee Advisory Committee (SSFAC)

Charge/Goal: SSFAC Committee is a required college committee, established and operated in accordance with Alamo College Policy, F.2.3; and Procedure F.2.3.1. The purpose of the committee is to make recommendations to the President via the Vice President for Student Success for the expenditure of funds collected via SSFAC in one of three areas: 1) Annual funding requests; 2) Supplemental funding request; 3) Capital expenditures. The committee may make recommendations for funding the request in one of three formats: 1) approval; 2) approval with modifications; 3) disapproval with specific reasons.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 1

Executive Liaison:  
Dr. Tangila Dove, Vice President for Student Success

Chair, Director of Student Success (Student Life), 210-486-5146,

College Sevices

Emergency Management Committee

Charge/Goal: Members of the Incident Command System (ICS) whose role is to effectively manage crises by responding using the national standardized structure and workflow. Funded: 115001-850015-5010

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 123

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Tangila Dove, Vice President of Student Success

Dr. Tangila Dove, Vice President of Student Success,

Kathleen Labus, co-chair, College Director of Marketing and Strategic Communications, 210-486-5470,

JECA Crisis Team—Sub-Committee to Emergency Management Committee


Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 123

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Tangila Dove, Vice President of Student Success

Anetia Ports, JECA Liaison, 210-486-5272,

Safety Sub-Committee to Emergency Management Committee

Charge/Goal: Works with the ICS team and departments across the college to help ensure programs and processes are in place to ensure a safe and welcoming environment.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 123

Executive Liaison:
Dr. Tangila Dove, Vice President of Student Success

Kathleen Labus, co-chair, College Director of Marketing and Strategic Communications, 210-486-5470,

Javier Leal, co-chair, 210-486-5628,


Grants Advisory Council

Charge/Goal: Review grant funding opportunities for which Northeast Lakeview College is eligible to apply. Provide input on possible projects within their areas for which grant funding might be a resource.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 123

Executive Liaison:
Dean of Academic Success

Chair: Simon Carnegie-Diaz, 210-486-5395,

Green Team - Sustainability

Charge/Goal: Provides leadership in ensuring that NLC remains and grows as a “Green and Clean” institution.

Alignment with Strategic Plan Goal: 123

Interim Executive Liaison:
Warren Hurd, Director of College Services
